OSC-Kanata North Regeneration Stewards Kanata, ON
Create thriving and vibrant native wildflower and urban meadow habitat throughout the Morgan's Grant Right-of-Way (owned by the City of Ottawa), that enriches local biodiversity, benefits the many native pollinator species, limits invasive and noxious weeds and helps improve the health and quality of life for people, as a large part of the Kanata North Hydro Corridor Eco-District project.Dernière mise à jour: 28-03-2024
Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library Ottawa, ON
We are an outdoor gear lending library with a central mission to respond to barriers experienced by racialized and marginalized communities to nature-based experiences, land-based programming, outdoor recreation, and the associated mental and physical health benefits derived from time outside. We envision just access to nature-based experiences for all, in all their intersecting identities. Our extensive inventory includes gear for all seasons and is community donated! In addition to individual gear loans, we connect with partner organizations with similar goals, plan and execute community programs, and celebrate the greatness of the outdoors! We are open at our main location; 877a Boyd Avenue twice a week! Volunteers support staff members with executing gear loans to community members, organizing the space, maintaining donated gear, repairing items, and so much more. We encourage anyone with any level of familiarity with outdoor gear who wants to support equity in the outdoors to volunteer with us. We support community events by bringing gear to loan for the day. To get involved, email [email protected]. Please let us know if you would like to be engaged through open hours, gear maintenance, or community programs/events. The Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library is to support racialized and marginalized members of our community with access to land based and nature experiences. Anyone in Ottawa can be a member with us, but we encourage those who have means to rent to do so! We encourage anyone to volunteer with us!Dernière mise à jour: 11-03-2024
Ottawa Riverkeeper // Garde-rivière des Outaouais National
Garde-rivière des Outaouais, organisme de bienfaisance, joue le rôle de défenseur et de porte-parole du bassin versant de la rivière des Outaouais et met son leadership au service de la protection, de la promotion et de l’amélioration de sa santé et de son avenir écologique. Experte et indépendante, notre organisation prône la prise de décision responsable et participative, la sensibilisation du public, l’accès à l’information et le respect des mesures de conservation en place. Guidés par une approche scientifique, nous fournissons de l’information claire dans le but de mobiliser le public et d’outiller les citoyens et les décideurs pour assurer des cours d’eau propres, sains et accessibles pour toute la population et toutes les espèces. Garde-rivière des Outaouais est un leader de la protection de l’eau dans tout le bassin versant de la rivière des Outaouais, pour toutes les espèces et toutes les générations. Grâce à la science à l'éducation, et à la mobilisation, nous protégeons, promouvons et améliorons la santé écologique de la rivière et de ses affluents. Vous pouvez vous impliquer!Dernière mise à jour: 10-07-2024
Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library Ottawa, ON
La Grainothèque d'Ottawa offre des plantes et semences indigènes gratuites. Nous offrons aussi de l'information sur la semence et récolte des semences de même que sur les pratiques de jardinage éthiques et durables. Nos bénévoles:Dernière mise à jour: 11-04-2024
REAL (Rideau Environmental Action League) Smiths Falls, ON
REAL is a non-profit, volunteer run organization based in Smiths Falls, Ontario, established in1989. Our slogan is "REAL People Taking REAL Action to Protect our Environment." We are concerned citizens who take on environmental projects to demonstrate or provide opportunities for residents to take environmental action locally. We concentrate on small scale, hands-on, low cost projects that address waste, energy or climate change. While our base is Smiths Falls, we serve other residents throughout Lanark, Leeds and Grenville. Some of our more well-known projects are our monarch garden, the REAL Deal Store, and Pitch In Smiths Falls. Our biggest project is the REAL Deal Reuse Store that accept and sells used household and and renovation materials. We accept electronic waste and operate a Tool Library there as well. Also on site are a community garden, a compost demonstration site and a monarch garden. We hold an annual rain barrel sale We've done a Depave project downtown, planted 30 trees at local schools, and this spring planted five trees at Hyland Park, and are working towards a mini forest this October. We offer home energy audits. Other projects include Pitch In Smiths Falls, an annual shoreline cleanup, Evergreen Avenue, and the Journey to Sustainability presentation series. An online auction in the fall supports these activities. Any resident is welcome to participate, although we don't operate any programs geared to children.Dernière mise à jour: 12-06-2024